Kinesitherapie - Manuele therapie - Sportkinesitherapie - Orthopedische revalidatie - Blessurepreventie - Bike fitting - Loopanalyse - Medical Taping - Dry needling
Licentiaat/master revalidatiewetenschappen en kinesitherapie, optie orthopedische revalidatie ǀ UGent ǀ 2005
Master na master Manueel therapeut ǀ UGent ǀ 2006
Master na master Sportkinesitherapeut ǀ UGent ǀ 2006
Harmonics ǀ E. Lederman ǀ 2005
Mulligan-concept ǀ R. Claassen ǀ 2008
Articulaire manipulaties ǀ L. Hartman ǀ 2008
Neurodynamics ǀ M. Shacklock ǀ 2009
Dry needling ǀ F. Timmermans ǀ 2015
Bikefitting ǀ Bakala - Torke cycling ǀ 2016 - 2019
Loopanalyse ǀ Running Smart ǀ 2018
Running related injuries: rehab & prevention ǀ 2019
Rotator cuff related pain ǀ 2019
Laatst bijgewoond congres/bijscholing:
Cycling injuries ǀ The Hive academy ǀ 2020
Keep on running? Grounded runnning ǀ Prof D. De Clercq ǀ 2020
Nutrition in sports and rehab ǀ 2020
Zwemmen, fietsen, lopen, triathlon, skiën, kitesurfing
Niet geconventioneerd therapeut.