Kinesitherapie - Manuele Therapie - Sportkinesitherapie - Bekkenbodemtherapie - Pre-en postnatale kinesitherapie - Bekkeninstabiliteit - Core stability workouts - PTNS

Licentiaat/master lichamelijke opvoeding ǀ KULeuven ǀ 2006
Licentiaat/master revalidatiewetenschappen en kinesitherapie ǀ KULeuven ǀ 2009
Master na master Manueel therapeut ǀ UGent ǀ 2011
Master na master Sportkinesitherapeut ǀ UGent ǀ 2011
Manuele lymfedrainage Leduc ǀ VUB ǀ 2011
Mulligan ǀ 2012
Recente bijscholingen:​
Pelvic floor function, dysfunction and treatment ǀ Herman & Wallace (USA) ǀ 2015
The functional approach to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation ǀ Institute of Physical Art (USA) ǀ 2015
Functional mobilization ǀ Insitute of Physical Art (USA) ǀ 2015
Kinesiotaping method ǀ USA ǀ 2015
Craniosacral therapy ǀ Institute of Physical Art (USA) ǀ 2016
Corefirst strategies for optimum function ǀ Institute of Physical Art (USA) ǀ 2017
Pelvic girdle puzzle ǀ Institute of Physical Art (USA) ǀ 2017
Peripheral neuropathic syndromes upper quarter ǀ Institute of Physical Art ǀ 2018
BekkenbodemFIT postnataal - Smarteducation - 2020
The Pregnant Pelvis - Angela James - Smarteducation - 2020
Back to move: van newmom naar fitmom - Smarteducation - 2020
Iedereen aan de Yoga - Catherine Goedgezelschap - Smarteducation - 2020
Diastasis Rectus Abdominis: Evidence-based evaluation and treatment- Bicap - 2020
Inter-universitaire postgraduaat opleiding bekkenbodemtherapie en perinatale begeleiding - 2022-2023
duathlon, triathlon, fietsen, yoga, ski/snowboard
interior design, reizen, scouts, koken, naaien
Niet geconventioneerde therapeute